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For Muslims, It is impossible to link with European society: President Milos Zeman

Prague: The seventy one year old Czech President Miloš Zeman is well known for his outspoken anti-immigration views. Czech President Miloš Zeman claimed that it is almost impossible to integrate Muslims into European society. “The experience of Western European countries which have ghettos and excluded localities shows that the integration of the Muslim community is practically impossible,” Zeman said in a televised interview on Sunday, as quoted by AFP. He added, “Let them have their culture in their countries and not take it to Europe, otherwise it will end up like Cologne”, referring to the mass New Year’s Eve assaults on women in Germany and elsewhere.

“Integration is possible with cultures that are similar, and the similarities may vary,” pointing out that the Vietnamese and Ukrainian communities had been able to integrate into Czech society. Zeman, a seventy one year-old leftwinger and the first-ever directly elected president of the Czech Republic, has repeatedly spoken out against the surge of migrant and refugee arrivals in Europe. Earlier this month, Zeman claimed the influx was masterminded by Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood which uses money from several states to finance it in a bid to “gradually control Europe”.

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